Tuesday, October 4, 2011

High Flyers

                                        This guy is a little hidded by the tree top I had to
                                        be real fast and hit the zoom to bring him in closer
                                         so everyone could get a little better look
                                         at how high they fly and how they big they are.
                                           These are the birds that most of us see flying
                                         in groups searching for food. They have awsome
                                          eyesight. They are able to spot a dead animal from
                                           miles high. I have had them fly off the road and over
                                         my car, there wingspan is as wide as my "07" Ford
                                        Explorer, They are just as ugly as the ones you see
                                        in the cartoons. I have seen them up close and personal,
                                        and I didn't have my camera.
                                         These guys are know as TURKEY BUZZARDS.

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